Roar Bikes


Roar Bikes is a manufacturer of small run, contemporary bicycles sold exclusively from their own website. Roar Bikes currently have 3 models of bike to purchase (Siamese, Sphynx, Bengal)


To build a e-commerce website for people to browse and purchase


Simple User Story: Jake wants e-commerce website to buy a bicycle

Improved User Story: As a graphic designer, Jake always notice imperfection of visuals on websites first. Sometimes, he even understand that this quality lead him to miss some great products or services, just because the website he visited was not great. 

Once, he decided to buy a contemporary bicycle to be like his hipster boss. By this, he wanted to stand out from the crowd and be appreciated in his local design community. 

He visited a few websites of bikes’ producers such as: , , . At all websites he only saw a generic approach to webdesign. How could they help him to stand out from the crowd if their website are full of stamps? Finally, he opened a Roar Bikes…



1. Inability to provide a well-designed,  modern UI components in website is causing a decrease of customer’s affluence on the website. 

2. Giving users a trendy UI design systems on the website would increase the number of prospective customers with design background registrations and potentially increase sales. 

User Journey

In conjunction with a story, the main decision-making points for Jake happens on the stage of familiarization with website. In other words, his first impression matters the most and those 10-20 seconds of scrolling website makes him to decide whether to continue using a website or not.

In addition, obvious decision-making processes such as whether he likes a product or price  will be neglected here

Web Map

Since this is a simple e-commerce website for small manufacturer, it consists of a minimum number of layers 

  • HomePage
    • Menu
    • Hero Slider
    • 3 Cards with products
    • Social Media Streaming
    • Footer
  • Product Page
    • Image
    • Colour pallete
    • Size
    • Style
    • Customization options
  • Cart
  • Payment


It has been chosen a simple, non-distracting  layout  in order to make customers focus on production (Pictures of bicycles) 


On this stage I discovered an interesting solution for hero slider. I found a photo of a bicycle with a dipped beam and side lights on the back. Then I applied a dark translucent layer with a strong blur. This made it possible to create a semi-abstract substrate for a real photo of a bicycle. Thus, it turned out that the real object emits light from the background.

Also, I found an interesting combination between desaturated purple and reddish-orange with a lower tone. The latter was used for accents and also for a wave-like arc simulating the descents and ascents of the mountains 

Cards with products were made in high contrast to the background to increase perception.

Regarding the typefaces I have chosen a font pair Montserrat- Courier in order to emphasis a combination of modern design and mechanical identity of bicycles. 



